Glossary - Maple Guide


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A glossary of terms and abbreviations frequently used in MapleStory by the game or other players.

Table of Contents


  • AF: Shorthand for ‘Arcane Force’. A stat required in the Arcane River area.
  • AP: Stands for 'Ability Point'. A numerical value that can be used to increase the stats of Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX), Intelligence (INT), Luck (LUK), and amount of HP/MP. The stat window can be viewed by using the [S] hotkey by default. Five points are given per level each time you level up. Click on the Auto-Assign button to invest points to the most appropriate stats for the character. Learn more at the Character Stats and Hyper Stats Maple Guide.
  • ATT: Shorthand for “attack”, primary stat of non-magic weapons.
  • AH/Auction House: A function that allows you to sell and purchase items for mesos. Auction House is unavailable on Heroic worlds.
  • BA: Shorthand for 'Battle Analysis'. A system that can be used to track your damage output.
  • BD: Shorthand for 'Boss Damage Increase'. The higher the value, the more damage dealt to boss monsters.
  • Bpot: Shorthand for Bonus Potential. Second set of three Potential lines on a piece of equipment. Bonus Potential lines are unavailable on Heroic worlds.
  • Burning Fields: Lv. 100+ hunting fields where players that have not visited for a period of time will have their 'Burning Field Index' increased. Obtained EXP will be increased by 10% for each stage increase, up to 100% at Stage 10.
  • CC: Shorthand for ‘change channel’.
  • CD: Shorthand for ‘Cooldown’. The minimum time between successive casts of the same skill.
  • CDR: Shorthand for ‘Cooldown Reduction’.
  • Ch: Shorthand for ‘Channel’. 
  • Coin Capping: Accumulating the maximum amount of coins obtainable in a day from an event.
  • CPQ: Shorthand for ‘Commerci Union Voyage Party Quest’.
  • CWPQ: Shorthand for ‘Cross-World Party Quest’.
  • Dailies: Boss, Arcane Symbol quests, and other activities completable once a day.
  • Death Counter: Refers to the number of times the character can be revived after dying on a boss map.
  • DEX: Refers to Dexterity. Most important stat for Bowman and some of the Pirate jobs.
  • DMT: Shorthand for ‘Double Miracle Time’ event.
  • EXP: Experience, which you can obtain by eliminating monsters or completing quests. Amount of EXP needed differs by level, and once EXP reaches 100%, the character levels up.
  • Familiars (Fam): When hunting monsters, there is a chance they will drop 'Familiar Cards'. These cards can be used to register the monsters into your Familiar collection. Summon registered Familiars to aid you in battle!
  • Field: Refers to all areas where monsters can be hunted.
  • GM: Stands for Game Master. They play a role in helping players enjoy MapleStory more smoothly, take action when there's a dispute, and ban players if they play the game in an illegal manner.
  • GPQ: Shorthand for ‘Guild Party Quest’.
  • HP: Stands for Health Point and indicates the amount of damage a character can take. It is reduced when attacked by an enemy, or when using some skills, and a character will die if their HP reaches 0.
  • Hyper Skills: Skills that can be learned or enhanced when a character reaches Lv. 140. Learn more in the Character Stats and Hyper Stats Maple Guide.
  • IED: Shorthand for 'Ignore Enemy Defense'. The higher the value, the more of an enemy's Defense is ignored when damage is dealt to them.
  • JQ: Shorthand for ‘Jump Quest’.  A quest whose main challenge is character control: moving your character through a variety of hazards and fine-tuned jumps.
  • INT: Refers to Intelligence. Most important stat for Magicians.
  • Inventory: In-game window that displays the items possessed by the character. By default, Inventory can be opened by pressing hotkey [I], and the items equipped by the character can be viewed by pressing hotkey [E].
  • Item: Items are categorized by:
    • EQUIP: Items that can be worn by characters.
    • USE: Items that are consumed upon use.
    • ETC: Items that can be obtained through hunting, quests, and events.
    • SET-UP: Items such as chairs and Titles.
    • CASH: Items purchased with NX.
  • LUK: Refers to Luck. Most important stat for Thieves.
  • M.ATT: Shorthand for ‘Magic Attack’, primary stat of magic weapons.
  • Max Level: Refers to maximum level a character can reach, currently Lv. 300. Also can mean the maximum level for a skill.
  • Mesos: The main in-game currency in MapleStory. Mesos are needed when purchasing items through NPC shops and Auction House, and may be used when trading with other players.
  • Monster Collection (MC): While hunting, there is a chance the monsters will be added to the 'Monster Collection'.
  • MP: Depending on the context, can mean:
    • Maple Points: A form of in-game currency.
    • Monster Park: A special content area to earn EXP.
    • Mana Points: The resource needed to use skills. DF, PP, or TF is sometimes used instead of MP, depending on the character's job:
      • Demon Slayer: DF (Demon Fury)
      • Kinesis: PP (Psychic Points)
      • Kanna: Mana
      • Zero: TF (Time Force)
  • Mpot: Shorthand for ‘Main Potential’. First three lines of Potential on a piece of equipment.
  • NPC: Stands for 'Non-Player Character'. Refers to the non-player characters within the game you can interact with. They provide various content for the players, including quests, shops, and more.
  • PDR: Shorthand for ‘Physical Damage Reduction’.  Refers to a monster’s defense, which reduces incoming damage. If it is over 100%, player attacks will only do 1 HP of damage to the monster.
  • PQ: Shorthand for ‘Party Quest’. A quest that can be done by a group of players. Some party quests can be done solo as well.
  • Quest: Activities provided by NPCs or other sources in exchange for rewards. Once the progression conditions are met, you can receive corresponding rewards. If you forfeit, there will be no rewards but you may restart the quest.
  • SF: Shorthand for ‘Star Force’. Refers to a type of equipment enhancement and an additional buff on certain monsters.
  • Skills: Special techniques characters can use by consuming MP/DF/TF/PP. Various techniques can be learned and used with job advancements by spending SP. Hyper Skills can also be used after reaching Lv. 140.
  • SP: Stands for 'Skill Point'. Points that can be used to increase the character's skill level. By default, press the hotkey [K] to view the character's skill window. Three points are given each time you level up and, starting from Lv. 101, twice the amount of SP is earned if the level ends in 0, 3, 6, or 9 upon level-up. SP is given so you can master all skills, so increase the level of the skill you want first! Learn more in the Character Stats and Hyper Stats Maple Guide.
  • Spectrum: Shorthand for ‘Erda Spectrum Party Quest’. Party Quest available in Arcane River’s Vanishing Journey area.
  • STR: Refers to Strength. Is needed for dealing direct attacks to enemies with weapons. Most important stat for Warrior and some Pirate jobs.
  • Theme Dungeon: Dungeons that consist of various stories, from which rewards can be earned. Play theme dungeons to explore the lore of MapleStory!
  • Town: Safe maps where there are no monsters. Generally, there are weapon shops and potion shops, and various NPCs carry out a variety of roles. Depending on their class, characters may need to visit specific towns to proceed with job advancements.
  • Trading Fame: The act of exchanging Fame increase with another player. Fame can be increased or decreased once per character per day.
  • Traits/Trait Items: Referencing to Ambition, Charm, Empathy, Insight, Diligence and Willpower.
  • UI: Stands for User Interface. It refers to a design that provides an environment which makes it convenient for users to navigate their computer. In MapleStory, this term refers to in-game environments that allow players to navigate the game using their mouse or keyboard.
  • Weeklies: Boss, Arcane Symbol quests, and other activities completable once a week.


  • Bind: A term to collectively refer to skills that stun monsters for 10 sec, such as the common 5th Job skill ‘Erda Nova’.
  • Burst: Collective term for skills that output a huge amount of damage for a short time.
  • Damage Boost: Refers to buffs that greatly increase damage of other skills, such as Wild Hunter's 2nd Job skill ‘Call of the Wild’.
  • dHS: Shorthand for a common 5th Job skill and stat 'Decent Holy Symbol'.
  • dSE: Shorthand for a common 5th Job skill and stat 'Decent Sharp Eyes'.
  • Herd/Knockback (KB): A term to collectively refer to skills that push back monsters, such as the Explorer Warrior 3rd Job Skill ‘Rush’, or attacks by monsters that do the same to players.
  • HS: Shorthand for Bishop's 3rd Job skill 'Holy Symbol'.
  • Iframe: Stands for "Invincible Frame", Skills that will make you untouchable for a set amount of time (such as a few frames of animation).
  • MW: Shorthand for a common 4th Job skill 'Maple Warrior'. 'Nova Warrior', 'Call of Cygnus', 'Rhinne's Blessing', and 'President's Orders' are sometimes collectively referred to as MW as well.
  • Rapid Fire Skills: A term to collectively refer to skills that quickly attack like rapid fire, such as Bow Master's 4th Job skill ‘Hurricane’.
  • SE: Shorthand for Bowman's 4th Job party buff skill 'Sharp Eyes'.


  • Abso: Shorthand for 'Lv. 160 AbsoLab Set', a set of equipment that can be earned by exchanging items dropped by the boss monsters Lotus and Damien, and from weekly quests.
  • Arcane: Shorthand for ‘Lv. 200 Arcane Umbra Set’.
  • BBM: Shorthand for 'Black Bean Mark'.
  • BoD: Shorthand for ‘Breath of Divinity’ ring.
  • Boss Accessories: Refers to the normal boss accessory drops.
  • C.Ilbis: Shorthand for ‘Crystal Ilbis’. A type of throwing star used by Assassin/Nightlord class.
  • CoG/ICoG: Shorthand for ‘Incredible Chaos Scroll of Goodness’.
  • CRA Set/Gear: Shorthand for 'Lv. 150 Root Abyss Set', a set of eqiupment made from fragments earned by eliminating the Chaos Root Abyss boss monsters.
  • CSS: Shorthand for ‘Clean Slate Scrolls’.
  • Cubes: Items that allow equipment item Potentials to be rerolled. Solid Cubes, Hard Cubes, and Mystical Cubes can be obtained through in-game play. Glowing Cubes and Bright Cubes can be purchased in Cash Shop for NX in Interactive worlds, and for mesos in Heroic worlds. Bonus Glowing Cubes, Bonus Bright Cubes and Violet Cubes are also occasionally on sale in the Cash Shop for NX.
  • Dark Boss Accessories: Refers to the hard boss accessory drops from Damien (Hard), Lotus (Hard), Lucid (Hard), Will (Hard), Gloom (Hard), Darknell (Hard), Verus Hilla, and Black Mage.
  • Empress: Shorthand for ‘Lv. 140 Empress Cygnus Set’.
  • FSR: Shorthand for ‘Firestarter Ring’, an item that increases a map’s Burning Level instantly.
  • Fz: Shorthand for ‘Frenzy Totem’, an item that increases monster spawn in a map for a short time.
  • Gach/Gach Ticket: Shorthand for ‘Gachapon’.
  • HTR: Shorthand for ‘Hyper Teleport Rock’.
  • Inno: Shorthand for ‘Innocence Scroll’.
  • Pensalir: Shorthand for ‘Lv. 140 Pensalir Set’.
  • Pocket: Refers to the item that you equip in the pocket slot.
  • Pot: Depending on context, can refer to ‘Potions’ (any HP or MP restorative item) or to ‘Potentials’ (a type of equipment enhancement).
  • Prime: Refers to the 9th Anniversary Prime Scrolls.


  • BM: Shorthand for 'Black Mage', but can also be used to refer to the class ‘Bow Master’.
  • CHT: Shorthand for 'Chaos Horntail'.
  • CPap: Shorthand for 'Chaos Papulatus'.
  • CPB: Shorthand for 'Chaos Pink Bean'.
  • CRA: Shorthand for 'Chaos Root Abyss',  a common term to refer to Chaos Crimson Queen, Chaos Pierre, Chaos Von Bon, and Chaos Vellum.
  • CZak: Shorthand for 'Chaos Zakum'.
  • EB: Shorthand for 'Elite Boss'.
  • EM/emob: Shorthand for 'Elite Monster'.
  • Hellux: Shorthand for ‘Hell Gollux’, referring to Gollux difficulty Lv. 4.
  • HLucid: Shorthand for 'Hard Lucid'.
  • HMag: Shorthand for ‘Hard Magnus’.
  • HMuto: Shorthand for ‘Hungry Muto Party Quest’ in Arcane River’s Chu Chu Island.
  • Lomien: A shorthand to refer to 'Lotus' and 'Damien' together.
  • VHilla: Shorthand for ‘Verus Hilla’.


  • Ardent/ard: Shorthand for 'Ardentmill'.
  • C2: Shorthand for 'Lab - Area C-2'.
  • CLP: Shorthand for ‘Cavern Lower Path’ in Arcane River’s Arcana.
  • CWP: Shorthand for 'Cross World Party Quest'.
  • Ecyg: Shorthand for ‘Knight Stronghold Cygnus Garden’.
  • FES2: Shorthand for ‘Forsaken Excavation Site 2’ in Twilight Perion.
  • FM: Shorthand for 'Free Market'.
  • Mu Lung/Dojo: Shorthand for 'Mu Lung Dojo'.
  • Slurpy: Shorthand for ‘Slurpy Forest Depths’ in Arcane River’s Chu Chu Island.
  • ToT: Shorthand for ‘Temple of Time’.


  • CS: Shorthand for 'Cash Shop', but can also be used to refer to Customer Support.
  • MVP: Shorthand for Maple Value Points, a service that gives additional rewards based on how much NX a player spends. Learn more in the MVP post.
  • NX: Shorthand for 'Nexon Cash'.
  • PSSB: Shorthand for ‘Premium Surprise Style Box’.
  • RP: Shorthand for ‘Maple Reward Points’ that can be used in the Maple Reward Shop or to discount certain items’ prices bought with NX Credit/Prepaid.
  • Smega: Shorthand for 'Super Megaphone'.


  • AB: Angelic Buster
  • BaM: Battle Mage
  • BM: Bowmaster
  • BT: Beast Tamer
  • BW: Blaze Wizard
  • Bucc: Buccaneer
  • CM: Cannon Master (Cannoneer)
  • DA: Demon Avenger
  • DB: Dual Blade
  • DrK: Dark Knight
  • DS: Demon Slayer
  • DW: Dawn Warrior
  • F/P: Archmage (Fire, Poison)
  • HY: Hoyoung
  • I/L: Archmage (Ice, Lightning)
  • Lumi: Luminous
  • Mech: Mechanic
  • Merc: Mercedes
  • MM: Marksman
  • NL: Night Lord
  • NW: Night Walker
  • Pally: Paladin
  • PF: Pathfinder
  • Sair: Corsair
  • Shad: Shadower (not to be confused with Shade)
  • TB: Thunder Breaker
  • WA: Wind Archer
  • WH: Wild Hunter


  • Afk: Shorthand for ‘away from keyboard’. Refers to a player not being at their computer, while their character idles in-game.
  • B>(X): Buying (X).
  • Bot: Refers to botters using physical or software tools to perform actions that normally require human input. This is forbidden by the Terms of Service.
  • Cap: Shorthand for ‘Capacity’. Refers to getting the maximum allowed of something. Depending on context, can mean:
    • Doing maximum damage.
    • Collecting all the event’s coins for the day.
    • Acquiring maximum guild contribution/honor points for the day.
    • Leveling an Arcane Symbol to its maximum level of 20.
  • Carry: The act of partying with someone and clearing the quest and/or boss for them.
  • f2p: Shorthand for ‘Free to play’.
  • Henehoe: Someone who focuses on the cosmetic and social aspects of the game.
  • ks: Shorthand for ‘Kill-Steal’. Refers to hunting monsters in a map someone else is using. This practice is considered as bad manners in the community.
  • Leech: Get EXP or mesos by virtue of being in a party with someone who is attacking monsters.
  • LF>(X) : Looking for (X).
  • Main: Your primary or favorite character.
  • Mule: A secondary character used to assist your main. Sometimes referred to as an ‘alt’ (alternate).
  • MVP: EXP buff that big spenders receive as a gift. Often advertised through smega in the form “mvp xx:23 ch5 ardent”, meaning that the buff will be cast at Ardentmill channel 5 at 23 minutes after the hour.
  • R>(X): Recruiting (X), usually for a guild or a boss run.
  • RMT: Real Money Trade. Buying or selling anything in the game (meso, items, IGNs, etc) for real-world money. This is forbidden by the Terms of Service.
  • S>(X): Selling (X).
  • T>(X): Trading (X).
  • Whale: Someone who spends a lot of real-world money on the game.
  • WSE: Weapon, Secondary, Emblem. The three equipment items that can get attack/damage Potential.

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